Dr Rae Si'ilata


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Dr Rae Si'ilata - Va'atele Education Consulting

Dr. Rae Siʻilata (Ngāti Raukawa, Tūhourangi, Fiji) is the Director of Va‘atele Education Consulting, a Senior Lecturer at Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi, and an Honorary Academic at Te Puna Wānanga, University of Auckland (UoA). Rae worked with practising teachers in bilingualism, biliteracy and TESSOL at UoA for 15 years. Previously, she was a classroom and ESOL teacher in Aotearoa, and a teacher and founding school principal in Samoa. Vaʻatele is contracted by the Ministry of Education to deliver Pacific Education PLD and research contracts with ECE services and primary schools. Rae’s research interests include Māori/Pasifika Education, Bilingual and Biliteracy Education, Second Language Acquisition, and Māori/Pasifika identity construction and mixedness.


Vaʻatele’s core team of PLD facilitators and researchers, including Martha Aseta, Kyla Hansell, Dr. Meg Jacobs, Deborah Meafua-Siafolau, and Avikaila Tilialo are also contributing to the Au Project.




  • - PhD



Dr Rae Si'ilata

Associate Investigator

Dr Rae Si'ilata
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