About the Au project

About the Au project

The Au – Pacific Child Wellbeing project is a Pacific-led community-based collaboration designed to address the health and well-being of Pacific children under the age of five years. We will take a family-centered, cross-sectoral and holistic approach, led by strong health and education sector partnerships.

There is a need to re-think the approach to assessing and responding to the health and well-being needs of Pacific preschoolers. This research seeks to explore, identify and describe measures of child and family well-being that recognize the holistic strengths and needs of Pacific children to improve the Well Child Tamariki Ora programme.

Behind the name Au

Au refers to the strands used for weaving a 'fala' (fine mat). The emphasis lies on the many strands put together to create one fala. When weaving the fala, the Au have to be in harmony with each other to form a strong connection making the weaving process easier and a strong 'fala'.

This project weaves in the Pacific expertise from the community, health, education, and research to ensure the weaving together of education, literacy and resiliency are interwoven to develop a strength-based Pacific Child Wellbeing programme that will support children.

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